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                 Client & Event Participant Testimonials:

August 31, 2016

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Since I’m in the early stage of the disease, my symptoms are well managed with a combination of medications. I am studying Qigong, which has been extremely helpful, and is what brought me to Omega. Having said this, when one has PD, at any stage, he or she no longer feels “normal”. The disease severely disrupts the nervous system, the muscular system, and has psychological ramifications.

While I was at Omega, I chanced to attend a sound healing session offered by Rich Goodhart. The experience was nothing short of profound. I had no expectations going in, but during the half-hour session I had a mind-body change that was extraordinary. He seems to use instrumentation, using various primitive instruments (Tibetan bowls, flutes, drum, an African stringed instrument, etc) to create a foundation on which to build the healing experience. This alone is remarkable to feel. But then he begins to use his voice in a series of what can only be called “healing sounds”. For me, his amazing vocalizations penetrated into the core of my being and then throughout my body. It is hard to describe the experience, but it is real and deep. I was particularly aware of a slight pressure (almost a headache) at the back of my head. Interestingly, this is where the substantia nigra and striatum are situated and where dopaminergic cells begin to die off in PD. But something was shifting. Most importantly, after the session, and for the rest of the day, I felt “normal”, perhaps for the first time in a number of years. My energy felt “balanced”, feeling relaxed and energized, with a sense of grounded ease. My movements were somewhat more fluid and I had the feeling of buoyancy. I am grateful to Rich for this remarkable experience. I would hope further research on this could be done to see what happens in the mind-body inter-play to make such phenomena happen.

Thank you Rich, Thank you Omega
Alan C.

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Rich Goodhart’s Shamanic Healing music transcended the ordinary “Gong bath” and spoke directly to my spirit.
I have done “Gong baths” before but this was at another level. Not a bliss out, but connecting to spirit within. Your music touched my soul – grounding and centering me in my body and taking my spirit on an adventure.

~ David Sklarew, September 24, 2015

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“This was an amazing event allowing for a sound journey through emotional, mental and spiritual terrain. I have gone to sound healings before but have never accessed the imagery that arises inside of me from Rich Goodhart's work. He is a master musician as well as a knower of the needs of the soul. His music is both beautiful and quieting and then energetic and dynamic in perfect interval. The retreat setting created the luxury of staying with your experience without having to re-enter the traffic of the everyday world so quickly. Qigong in the morning was the red ribbon on the perfect gift. Healing was had.”

~ Dineen Carta, June 2015
(participant at SRV Retreat Center Summer Solstice
Shamanic Sound Medicine event.)

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I wanted to pass along one of my experiences from the Shamanic Healing Sounds concert last week at the Yoga Spa. Years ago (somewhere around 25) I developed a back pain on the right side next to my spine above the kidney. It plagued me especially when standing for long periods and when I did yoga postures which required being on my back - back rolls were the toughest. I would just stretch it out or work through it, but it never really went away. Last Saturday at the concert while meditating and listening to your music the pain became very intense and it was difficult to sit still or even meditate. I tried some stretching but it just got worse. Then during one of your flute solos you hit a praticular note and it was like a bullet had been fired right from the flute directly into the pain and the spot vibrated in resonance with the note. I then heard a popping sound and felt a phsyical snapping at the point of the pain. The pain got very sharp and then disappeared. A sense of relief come over me and it truly felt like the pain was gone. I have been free of that pain for the past week and have been able to do back rolls daily without any of the pain I used to experience.

Thank you - Harold Francis, March 2014. (Update: A month later and still pain free!)
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Hi Rich,
I went to the concert at Omega on Sept. 6. A friend brought me to your show after dinner, I was just planning to go read and chill out. I had not heard about the concert or Shamanic sounds or anything like that. I’ve never done any Shamanic journeying or anything like that. I was at Omega for a conference on mindfulness.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I had a profound experience during the healing sounds portion of the evening. I took a soaring journey through a series of spaces, and ended up meeting face to face with a great love of mine who died many years ago in a fire when he was 46. We were in a sort of dark, round chamber, and we were smiling ear to ear, grinning, and dancing and spinning together in a beautiful dance. I was so surprised and honored by this, and I feel like he and I had a beautiful visit together between worlds. Thanks so much for providing the sound healing!!

P.S. You are welcome to use my testimonial, but without my real name, thanks! ~JH
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"I had a shoulder injury and for a couple of months now, even though the wound has supposed to have healed, I still have limited mobility with it. I've been seeing a physical therapist for weeks but no success. She tells me my shoulder needs to "drop" but it's stuck and we can't get it to move. At first your music brought me into a very peaceful meditative trance. When you began drumming I started to notice the energy of the sound focusing in on my shoulder. As the rhythm increased in intensity the vibration focused more narrowly into the center of my shoulder where the injury was. With my eyes closed I was seeing and feeling the sound of the drum like a laser beam aimed right into the stuck place in my shoulder. And then guess what? My shoulder dropped! I don't know what you did but it worked!" ~ David J., 2013

(Two days later, Thursday: "Yes, it is so much better, I've got my movement back! I have a triathalon scheduled for this weekend and I was expecting I'd have to cancel but now I feel I can do it - thank you again!")

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Dear Rich,
I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoyed your Shamanic Sound Medicine that I attended in Main Hall at Omega. I could not believe there was only one person up there playing - it sounded like there were a bunch of Shaman's on stage. Your music was incredibly healing. I actually felt like I dropped deep in the heart Chakra and was healed with overwhelming love and a brilliance from somewhere beyond. I have been in the presence of Shamans in Peru and other locations and your music brought me right back into those experiences. I recognize the healing power of sound. I hope that someday you do a workshop at Omega so we can all just lay around and receive more healing from your music. Keep up the great work and keep me posted if you should ever do a workshop! Thank you!

Peace, Love and Light,
Avalon 9/02-2015

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"I've been suffering from extreme insomnia and have barely slept at all in three months. I'm taking prescription sleep meds and have tried other strategies but nothing has worked. During the introductory sound session I went completely out and when you brought us back it felt like I had slept for eight hours - but it was only about ten minutes!" ~ Professional Psychologist, 62 years old, name witheld, 2011.
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" is the spirit of a teacher that magnifies the depth of knowledge. Good teachers will do just that. Not every teacher can transmit. I only had a handful of them. Transmitting happens in silence even though there is commotion around. The most power you have is when sharing your presence with the audience. You (Rich Goodhart) can transmit. The value is huge!"
Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and Teacher

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The pain is gone from my shoulder! It had been very annoying when I drove, etc.

The shoulder will never be right, though, and I need to be somewhat careful. The condition is "separated shoulder", which happened when I had an auto accident. It's not worth the very complex surgery that it requires. So even though it will never be healed, eliminating the pain is a blessing. Thanks.

I still think having sessions for insomnia would help a lot of people, as long as you don't mind playing music to sleeping people! Sleeping is a precious gift.
Evelyn Bender, July 2014                                     

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"I had a vision where I saw my Mom riding on a train. Then the train crashed and I got very worried. She then came to me in the vision and told me not to worry, that she was ok. What does this mean? I find it disturbing!"
~ 15 year old Omega Teen Camp participant.

Next day: "So I called home last night. My Mom was in a car accident yesterday near a railroad track. Her car was totalled and an ambulance came and checked her out but she was ok. And guess what - we figured out that it happened at the exact same time we were doing the sound journey and I had that vision!"

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"By consenting and allowing yourself to let go to where you are visiting in that altered state is a big step for some people.Once you allow and trust yourself there is no end to where you might go. Everyone I know who has been to your live events has been totally blown away and felt wonderful!"
~ Kristi Marcus, December, 2013

"Thank you Rich Goodhart for last night's magical trip! I really enjoyed every second of it." ~ Jody Newman Sinclair, July, 2013

"The Rich Goodhart flow takes you where you need to go, within yourself there is a place, no time, no body just perfect space." ~ Kathy Mcc, July, 2013

"Such an awesome night this was with the amazing Rich Goodhart!"
~ Karo Tak, May 2013

"I am ready for another round! Rich's vibrational music will take you where ever your spirit/soul needs to be while in the experience. Don't miss this gentle man's music."
~ Kathy Mcc, March 2013

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"My first experience with sound healing was introduced to me by Rich Goodhart at the Omega Institute. I had done several different types of healing over many years but I can say, by far, this was the most powerful experience I ever had.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but as I was lying on the table I felt as though I was part of a symphony orchestra. Rich was playing unique instruments (and using his voice) and through the energy channeled through him, myself and his music I felt an incredibly powerful healing in my body.
(Prior to beginning the treatment) I had mentioned to Rich that I had some 2nd chakra issues. During my session I saw colors so vibrant I could feel their healing power inside. Without a doubt I highly recommend a sound healing with Rich Goodhart."
- Nancy Chernoff, Omega Teen Camp Office Manager, 2005

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Rich, it was clear to me that my throat chakra had shut down. I had the feeling of tingling, and a feeling of my skin crawling at the base of my neck. The sound energy rays were trying to get in but I was experiencing a shut down of my normal functioning throat chakra due to my broken shoulder. I had to massage the back of my neck as the sound healing continued the intensity of the skin crawling grew greater. This lasted through more than half of your sound healing. Suddenly the tingling and skin crawling sensation stopped. I believe the sound vibrations began to align and penetrate my shoulder. Blockage cleared and the easy flow of energy returned. Thank you for the exchange of good vibrations as I continue to heal my broken shoulder - today my shoulder is the best it's been since the accident.
Blessings Jan
~ Janice Carter Young, March, 2014

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Please contact me by email (below) to schedule events or private sessions or if you have further questions. I hope you are inspired to attend an upcoming Shamanic Sound experience! Please feel free to say hello and introduce yourself if you do attend.
~ Rich Goodhart, 2014


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"Waking up into spirit means saying goodbye to old logic. It is a real loss
when spirit dials our number and finds out that we wouldn't listen."
Malidoma Some'


Copyright 2015 Rich Goodhart/Beginner's Mind Productions.
All rights reserved to Rich Goodhart and Octagonal Madness